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"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore"
The KKK Killed My Friend
Dr. Sabri g. Bebawi
Dear Friends, Foes, and the Indifferent,
I feel the need to address the more than 10,490,000 readers who follow my thoughts globally. Today, I’d like to share some intellectual reflections with you, beginning with the concept of Narcissism.
According to Wikipedia, Narcissism involves the pursuit of self-gratification through vanity or egotistic admiration of one's idealized self-image and attributes. It’s characterized by self-flattery, perfectionism, and arrogance. The term comes from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water.
Consider Donald Trump, the former president. His speeches, attacks on others, and blatant disregard for facts are classic examples of Narcissism.
Next, let’s delve into the "Napoleon Complex." This theorized inferiority complex is often attributed to people of short stature, marked by overly aggressive or domineering behavior, sometimes as compensation for perceived physical or social inadequacies.
Who better fits this description in the public eye than Donald Trump? We might also consider adding some misguided extremists or critique certain aspects of Christianity, represented by figures like the Pope.
Britannica notes that Trump was a real estate developer and businessman who owned, managed, or licensed his name to numerous properties globally. From the 1980s onward, he associated his name with various retail ventures, including clothing lines, colognes, food, furniture, and Trump University, which offered real estate seminars from 2005 to 2010. By the early 21st century, his private conglomerate, the Trump Organization, included around 500 companies. In 2019, Trump became the third U.S. president to be impeached by the House of Representatives, and the first to be impeached during his first term.
Trump attended the New York Military Academy, Fordham University, and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics. During the Vietnam War in 1968, he secured a medical exemption from the draft due to bone spurs, after previously receiving four educational deferments. After graduation, he began working full-time for his father’s business, which managed a large number of rental housing units. In 1974, he became president of Trump-owned corporations and partnerships, later rebranded as the Trump Organization.
Side-by-side photographs on Facebook have compared Donald Trump to his father, Fred Trump, suggesting a family history of white supremacy. A post shared by Anti-Trump USA highlights Donald Trump's controversial statement about "fine people on both sides" after a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. Beneath a photo of Fred Trump, the post claims he was "arrested participating in a KKK riot" in 1927.
While Fred Trump was indeed arrested during a KKK-related clash in 1927, the post’s claim that he was "participating" goes beyond established facts. The post was flagged by Facebook for misinformation, and the White House declined to comment.
Fred Trump’s arrest during the 1927 KKK rally has long intrigued reporters, even before his son’s presidential run. The KKK riot occurred during the May 30, 1927, Memorial Day parade in Jamaica, Queens, N.Y., as reported by The Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
A week before the parade, police commissioner Joseph Warren warned that the Klan planned to participate in hoods and gowns. Despite not having a parade permit, the KKK reportedly received permission from the Grand Army of the Republic, a veterans’ organization managing the parade.
On the day of the parade, police were unable to prevent at least 1,000 Klansmen from joining. The New York Times reported that "1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen staged a free-for-all battle in Jamaica."
Fred Trump, then 21, was arrested along with six others, according to the New York Times. While the others faced various charges, Fred Trump was reportedly discharged without charges.
Further reports of the riot show some discrepancies. A May 31, 1927, Brooklyn Daily Eagle article mentioned six prisoners, five of whom were described as "avowed Klansmen." However, Fred Trump’s name was not listed among them.
Fellow Citizens: Since we "pretend" to have a separation of religion and State, how is it conceivable that all the impeachment trial sessions begins with a prayer to Jesus of Nazareth? How about the 4300 different religions? Have we become "Christianists" as "Islamists?"
Alexander Vindman joins the club of people whom the president has targeted for telling the truth.
3:26 PM ETTrump managed to wait two days after his Senate acquittal before taking care of family business, as Michael Corleone would put it, with respect to those who had upset him in the Ukraine affair.
Yesterday, he removed from the National Security Council staff Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman—along with Vindman’s twin brother, who served as an NSC attorney, for good measure. Lieutenant Colonel Vindman had had the temerity to object to Trump’s “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and then committed the unforgivable sin of telling the truth about the matter when the House impeachment investigation sought his testimony. The brothers were, according to reports, escorted out of the White House complex.
Explaining himself this morning on Twitter, Trump, of course, went on the attack:
Fake News @CNN & MSDNC keep talking about “Lt. Col.” Vindman as though I should think only how wonderful he was. Actually, I don’t know him, never spoke to him, or met him (I don’t believe!) but, he was very insubordinate, reported contents of my ‘perfect’ calls incorrectly, & was given a horrendous report by his superior, the man he reported to, who publicly stated that Vindman had problems with judgement, adhering to the chain of command and leaking information. In other words, “OUT”.
Trump also fired Gordon Sondland, the ambassador to the European Union, who had tried to play both sides—testifying in a fashion that upset Trump while being cagey at first and thus raising questions to House members about his candor. Sondland had managed to please nobody, and his presence on the scene at all was, in any event, a function of his large donation to the presidential inaugural committee. He had bought his way into service at the pleasure of the president and, having done so, proceeded to displease the president. Most eyes will, I suspect, remain dry as Sondland blusters his way back to the hotel business.
(Retrieved from the Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/ (February, 2020)
Trump’s attacks on public servants will do lasting damage to American diplomacy.
7:00 AM ETWilliam J. BurnsPresident of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Three months ago, a group of obscure diplomatic and national-security professionals walked into a public spotlight that none of them ever sought. Called to testify in the congressional impeachment inquiry, they upheld their constitutional oath and told the truth, at considerable risk to themselves and their career. They displayed no signs of partisanship. They showed no prejudice as to the outcome of the inquiry. There was no daylight between their words and deeds and the declared policy of the White House. And there was no shortage of experience, expertise, and human decency. Their example of the ethos of public service and the power and purpose of American diplomacy provided a brief moment of light in a prolonged and dark saga.
After unceasing attacks on their character, service, and institutions by the administration and its partisan allies in Congress, after being thrown under the bus by their own bosses, and after the casual dismissal of their profound concerns about the dangerous precedent of a president putting political interest above the national interest, is that light now fading and forgotten? Has impunity triumphed over integrity.
The United States of America-The Not So Great
Good morning friends, fans, and enemies, I like to share with you a thought that came to mind while smoking on my balcony staring at the vast and endless Pacific Ocean – CONSPIRACY. Many people in these United States of Il Duce are brainwashed to believe that there is no such a thing as CONSPIRACY to the point that they attach the word “THEORY” to the word. They believe that The United States of Il Duce is beyond reproach and such things do not happen here.
Now let me share my thoughts about that.:
J. Edgar Hoover: Director of the FBI until May 2, 1972. He served under many presidents including Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon. Can one forget what that man did to writers, filmmakers, movie stars and everyone he suspected as being a Communist – Was this CONSPIRACY to hurt and destroy people a fact or a theory?
The assassination for John F. Kennedy and his brother; was this a theory or a fact?
The Watergate Scandal under Nixon, was that a theory or a fact?
Holding the American Hostages in Iran until President Reagan takes office while in fact it was President Carter who negotiated their release, was that a theory of a fact?
The Iran-Contra-Affair under President Reagan, where he sold drugs to buy arms from Iran to give the Nicaraguans, was that a theory or a fact?
The lies that George Bush, the child, with Rumsfeld and the evil Dick Cheney spread to convince Congress to go to an unnecessary war in Iraq, was that a theory or a fact?
The appointment of Il Duce to run our America and change it to be known as The United States of Il Duce, is that a theory or a fact?
Dear friends, this is only in the political arena, in the business world, it is even much worse. Companies CONSPIRE on a daily basis to hurt the people without conscience.
“CONSPIRACY” is not a theory – It is a fact.
I like to add that since the appointment of Il Duce, I lost all my white American friends because Il Duce made it acceptable to hate, discriminate and to believe in superiority. These so called ex-friends were in fact no friends at all in the first place – they were liars and abiding by the “POLITICALLY CORRECT” culture. Now, they do not have to do so and thanks to Il Duce.
This reminds me of the time when I was in Law School in Cairo, Egypt. Overnight, my Moslem friends hated me for being a non-Muslim. That is thanks to Predsidrt Sadat who gave the Moslem Brothers and Islamists complete freedom. It was eery, my friends. It was so obvious and honest that my Moslem friends would tell me they could not talk with me because I was not a Muslim. I escape Egypt; I come to this Wasteland named the United States only to find that they are not any different than Islamists in the corrupt Arab world.
Now, under this Fascist president, it is even worse. Although I am more of a patriot American than Trump, I am still an “Alien” in the eyes of the Americans who are lacking all elements of humanity.
I am afraid not of anything for I have always believed that a cowardly man dies a thousand times a day, a brave man but once.
I am Dr. Sabri g. Bebawi, LLB, PhD